Growth in Industry 4.0, IoT/IIoT, and Smart Factory technology is set to boost demand for OKW’s robust SMART-BOX industrial electronic enclosures. SMART-BOX (IP 66) is also ideal for control and systems engineering, safety technology, gateways, and HVAC. These tough wall-mount and tabletop enclosures feature separate channels for the lid screws and mounting screws. This enables…
OKW’s award-winning MINITEC enclosures for handheld and wearable electronics
MINITEC, one of many OKW models to win an iF Product Design Award, is suitable for emergency systems, monitoring and alarms, wireless remote control, mobile USB applications, and IoT/IIoT. Modern, flat styling makes these attractive, ergonomic housings easy to carry or wear. They comprise two shells separated by a choice of intermediate rings. These rings…
Control knobs cater to menu-driven electronics
OKW’s elegant rotary/click control knobs now feature a new, improved design with greater illumination (option). Ergonomic CONTROL-KNOBS are candidates for the central element for menu-driven electronics – typically for devices manufactured in high volumes. Applications include measuring and control; medical, wellness and laboratory technology; HVAC; communications; Smart Factory and building control systems. These soft-touch tuning…
New Larger SNAPTEC Fast Assembly IP 65 Sealed Enclosures
OKW has launched a new larger size of its SNAPTEC fast assembly IP 65 sealed plastic enclosures. SNAPTEC offers a rapid solution for medical or home automation systems and small devices with low voltage electro-technical components (potentiometers, time controllers, coded control units) or electro-mechanical components (relays, fuses). These modern low cost sealed enclosures feature snap-on…