What are the current trends for engineering in the global market? How can topics including the energy transition, networking ecosystems, the skilled-worker shortage, and the digital transformation be implemented in the best way possible as regards engineering? Solutions provider Eplan will be providing focused answers to these questions during its new online event “Eplan L!ve” on June 21, 2023. High-profile players in machine building such as Harro Höfliger from Germany and Sany from China will be providing input and insights into their own well-tested methods and processes. Kratos Industries, a control cabinet manufacturer based in the US, will be sharing its experiences with 3D control cabinet designs, including fully automated manufacturing using the Wire Terminal WT and Perforex Machining Centre, both made by Rittal.
Informative and international
“With this year’s new online event, we’re focusing on the challenges our customers are facing, particularly in the machine building and switchgear system manufacturing sectors,” said Eplan VP Customer Journey Jan Fleming. “Our goal is sharing practical experience — both from the manufacturer’s and the customer’s points of view. Along with market trends and customers’ own best practices, this distilled program will also be presenting an initial preview of the upcoming version of Eplan. If we all share these experiences with each other, learn from one another, and remain actively engaged in dialogue, we will ensure the highest efficiency for engineering in the future.”
A look behind the scenes: The new Eplan Platform
After a first preview at the Hannover Messe, attendees will now also be able to become familiar with the Eplan Platform 2024. New mathematical calculation functions, greater ease of use in terminal management, and unprecedented possibilities for navigating through the 3D model of a control cabinet are just a few of the new features that users can look forward to. This all also helps make creating the digital twin in Eplan Pro Panel even easier. Another new function: When it comes to machine cabling in conjunction with Eplan Harness proD, spare wires can be connected in no time at all with just a click.
Register free of charge at www.eplan-software-com/live
Eplan Software & Services
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